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/ , , , / The Con Artists And Scammers Who Have Tricked Us! GleeJar

The Con Artists And Scammers Who Have Tricked Us! GleeJar

We all have been mesmerised by celebrities that play the character of a con artist on  the silver screen. But have we ever thought about how do these con stars make millions after looting people from different strata’s of the society? Or what are the different tricks they take in account to pillage the innocent citizens?
Frank Abagnale : 
Frank Abagnale
Frank Abagnale
To start with the famous imposter from the 19th century we have Frank Abagnale who actually was a cheque con artist and had passed fake cheques worth more than $2.5 million in more than 20 countries. Famous The Con Artists and Scammers not only tricked people but also his parents in early childhood days. His fraudulent tendencies made him steal his father’s card to buy car parts and he then used to sell them for lower prices to gas stations. Finally his father had to pay those bills and when Frank was found guilty his mother sent him to a juvenile correction centre for four months. He then shifted to New York and he used to cheat people by printing his own account number on fake bank deposit slips which actually in turn would transfer all the money that was deposited my clients to his account. He earned $40,000 from this forged means. He then moved around the world by abusing the arrangements of airlines to provide free transport and very often disguised himself as a pilot, doctor, engineer, teacher or a lawyer. After a very long period of chase and run away incidents, the US government proposed him his freedom only if he would help them against fraudulent activities and scammers. He is currently a multi-millionaire.
The blockbuster ‘Catch me if you can’ is based on frank’s life. Read more about Latest Celebrities Gossip Entertainment and Con Scam Artist New on our page.

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